In October 2019 BTA Hayes along with other schools across the LSEAT proudly celebrated the achievements of many students.
LSEAT held its annual Awards evening in October, celebrating the success and accomplishments of students across the trust and what an evening it was! Our students celebrated amongst friends, family, staff, trustees and special guests including; Kevin George, ex professional footballer, actor and now Human Performance Consultant.
Resilience, academic progress, literacy, numeracy and sports were just some of the achievements that were recognised. Students rewarded were as follows.
Best GCSE outcomes: Aimee Jay Walker (10 level 2 qualifications)
Resilience: Isaac Alexander
Literacy: Louie Dawber
Numeracy: Patrick Leonnard
Attendance: Patricia Wood
KS3 progress: Nathaniel Dulce-Carpenter
KS4 progress: Liam Spicer
Sports: Anthony Warner
Citizenship: David Tshiunza