
At Bromley Trust Academy we understand the responsibility to educate students on E-Safety issues, teaching them the appropriate behaviours and thinking skills to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the classroom.

Our school internet server monitors and filters content of web pages and all use of the internet is logged. All students sign the 'Acceptable Technologies Use Agreement' and a log is kept of any reported e-safety incidents.

Uesful information

Referred students will be invited to an interview and tour of the school with the head teacher. Our aim will be to discuss all curriculum options and support packages available in order to ensure the best possible way forward for each student.

New students will initially enter our Assessment and Transition Centre for a period of between 5 - 10 days.

The aim will be to assess each new student both academically and emotionally, ensuring work can be pitched at the correct level to ensure maximum progress and any additional necessary support can be put in place without delay. Our expert staff will keep parents informed via regular verbal and written feedback.

Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to address underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and looked after children and their peers, by ensuring that the funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the children who need it most. The Government is seeking to ‘close the gap’ in achievement, therefore reducing the barriers to success.

The Pupil Premium funding is allocated to pupils who are either currently eligible for free school meals or who have been eligible in the last 6 years (known as Ever 6 FSM).

Please click the below links for the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021, the three year Pupil Premium Plan 2019-2022 and the 2018-2019 Pupil Premium Plan and Review.

Bromley Trust Academy does not receive Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Funding.

Ofsted inspectors have rated Bromley Trust Academy as “Good” following their visit last month.

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