Our Curriculum Intent
At Bromley Trust Academy Midfield we offer a language rich curriculum that is inclusive, ambitious, purposeful, appropriately challenging, and responsive to children’s needs and interests.
Teaching and Learning permeates every facet of school life. All our pupils experience quality first teaching. Teachers foster an enjoyment and curiosity for learning and facilitate progress for all through engaging learning experiences. We want to create the optimum learning environment for all pupils, regardless of their ability, individual starting points, or previous educational experiences.
We aim to engage all pupils in education so that they see themselves as learners who can make progress, be successful and aim for excellence. Our subject areas are coherently and cumulatively planned and sequenced to equip pupils with the knowledge and key, transferable skills which allow them to flourish in life beyond BTA and to support a transition on to the right provision for every pupil.
Our curriculum is built upon children’s past, current and shared learning experiences, and interests. We regularly collect the thoughts and feelings of pupils through pupil voice and use these views to review and enhance our curriculum to ensure it is inspiring, purposeful, reflective of our school community and engaging to all.
We prioritise and develop children’s spiritual, moral, social, cultural and emotional development and their mental health and well-being throughout the curriculum. Our curriculum is underpinned by our Core Values of DECIDE: Discovery, Endeavour, Community, Independence, Decision and Everyday. These values play a key role and are woven throughout our learning experiences for all.
When planning the curriculum, we utilise the schools’ grounds well, including Scadbury Park Nature Reserve (which is used for our Forest School sessions) to provide a rich environment for enquiry-based learning. The vast experiences children are provided with reflect the diverse local and wider community we live in. We are mindful that the local community to our school may not be reflective of the local community to where our pupils live, as many may travel into school from some distance. Because of this, we extend our local community far beyond just our local Library, Woods and High Street and we ensure pupils are provided with experiences further afield; for example, trips to the Science Museum in London, experiencing Margate Beach at the end of the summer term, Danson Park boating etc.
Community and beyond experiences ensure that pupils develop a rich and contextualised understanding of the key learning and how to be an effective member of a community that contributes to society. These experiences also provide opportunities for the structured and contextualised development of social skills and collaboration, which are vital for the development of pupils at BTAM. Through this teaching, pupils reinforce the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance, and individual liberty.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that children leave BTAM as confident, independent and thoughtful learners who communicate effectively, demonstrate self-regulation, resilience and empathy for others.
Class Curriculum Maps
Our Curriculum Subjects:
Early Years and Foundation Stage
Community and Life Skills