Key Information
Science at Bromley Beacon Academy aims to give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to progress to qualifications in a Science or Technology related area at a higher level.
Gateway Qualifications Level 1 Award, Certificate and Extended Certificate in Applied Science and Technology are all available to students taking science as an option in year 10.
Year 9
During Year 9 all pupils are taught applied science within their other subjects:
Electronics in Action is taught in ICT, motorbike mechanics and music
Effective communication in the workplace is taught in English
Using ICT in the workplace is taught in ICT
Students completing the year will be awarded the Level 1 Award in Applied Science and Technology.
Year 10 and 11
During Year 10 and 11 all pupils are taught applied science within their other subjects. Those choosing science as an option undertake a double module in Biology and the Environment at level 2. As this is the first year running the course both Year 10 and Year 11 are studying the same programme. Students successfully completing the course will be awarded the Level 2 Award in Applied Science and Technology.
Year 11 from September 2019
From 2019 Year 11 will build on their biology module by completing the double module in Energy, Waves and Radiation. Students successfully completing the course will be awarded the Level 2 Certificate in Applied Science and Technology.
At level 1 and 2 pupils are assessed via portfolio on their ability to:
Know, identify and use basic scientific methodologies.
Know, identify and use basic scientific tools.
Understand that science and technology are integrated into the world around them.
Produce a comprehensive portfolio of evidence using varied methods.
Where to next:
Further learning at the same level (level 1 diploma)
Further learning at a higher level (level 2 certificate or extended certificate)
Careers in science as laboratory technicians
Science at Bromley Beacon Academy aims to give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to progress to qualifications in a Science or Technology related area at a higher level.
Gateway Qualifications Level 1 Award, Certificate and Extended Certificate in Applied Science and Technology are all available to students taking science as an option in year 10.
Year 9
During Year 9 all pupils are taught applied science within their other subjects:
Electronics in Action is taught in ICT, motorbike mechanics and music
Effective communication in the workplace is taught in English
Using ICT in the workplace is taught in ICT
Students completing the year will be awarded the Level 1 Award in Applied Science and Technology.
Year 10 and 11
During Year 10 and 11 all pupils are taught applied science within their other subjects. Those choosing science as an option undertake a double module in Biology and the Environment at level 2. As this is the first year running the course both Year 10 and Year 11 are studying the same programme. Students successfully completing the course will be awarded the Level 2 Award in Applied Science and Technology.
Year 11 from September 2019
From 2019 Year 11 will build on their biology module by completing the double module in Energy, Waves and Radiation. Students successfully completing the course will be awarded the Level 2 Certificate in Applied Science and Technology.
At level 1 and 2 pupils are assessed via portfolio on their ability to:
Know, identify and use basic scientific methodologies.
Know, identify and use basic scientific tools.
Understand that science and technology are integrated into the world around them.
Produce a comprehensive portfolio of evidence using varied methods.
Where to next:
Further learning at the same level (level 1 diploma)
Further learning at a higher level (level 2 certificate or extended certificate)
Careers in science as laboratory technicians
- Successful learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
- All students access core PE lessons which cover individual and team sports in addition to having opportunities to access Outdoor and Adventurous activities, swimming and Athletics via rewards, themed weeks and focussed activities.
- developing the range and quality of their physical skills
- improving their ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional principles
- improving their capacity to perform effectively
- improving their ability to analyse performance and make judgements about what makes a performance successful.
- Through the range of activities and variety of roles that students experience, they begin to make informed choices about their own commitment to leading a healthy, active life. They begin to identify the types of activities and roles they prefer and are best suited to.
Useful websites for the subject
National Curriculum:
V Cert Qualifications:
Aims and Ethos of Mathematics
Mathematics at Bromley Beacon Academy is about changing ‘inchworms’ into ‘grasshoppers’! Inchworms tackle problems by narrowly focusing on details, use a single method or a slow methodical approach, use numbers exactly as given and don’t check to see if their answers are reasonable. ‘Grasshoppers’, on the other hand, are holistic in their approach. They rearrange problems to make the calculations easy, make estimates and approximations, are flexible, use a variety of paths, tend to perform all computation mentally and check their solutions using an alternative method. (Edited from Bath et al. 1986)
In the classroom we seek to create a supportive learning environment. We make great use of a variety of resources including software, websites, games and real-life materials to engage students and help them learn in the way that best suits their needs.
Students are always expected and encouraged to work to the best of their ability. We expect all students to gain Entry Level Mathematics and most achieve it in Year 9. Many students achieve at the Functional skills assessments, gaining level 1 by Year 10 and/or level 2 by Year 11.
Most students will be entered for a foundation grade GCSE, with one or two occasionally achieving at the higher tier. We follow the EDEXCEL GCSE in Mathematics. We usually begin working on the GCSE scheme in Year 9. In addition, we offer the functional skills Mathematics qualification at levels 1 / 2. Students in KS5, will be entered for Level 2 Mathematics courses if they have a Level 1 GCSE qualification. All students have access to the ‘MyMaths’ website, a vast resource full of interactive lessons, games and online homework tasks. Students who wish to complete homework or are being educated at home make use of this resource. The results of any tasks completed are automatically recorded for the teacher to look at.
A new and exciting Mathematics App has recently been created by PIXL, which allows students to access anywhere; at school or from home. This provides a short tutorial or video clips which allows students to refresh or recap on their learning and the work done is automatically marked.
For information on examination boards and our curriculum maps for the year, please see below.
Examination Board –
We follow the EDEXCEL GCSE in Mathematics. We usually begin working on these GCSE scheme in Year 9.
1MA1 for May/June 2017 onwards – Grades available 9 - 1
We also follow the AQA functional skills examinations at Levels 1 & 2
- Maths Curriculum Map
Useful websites for the subject area and revision etc. -
- gcse-maths-revision
- BBC Bitesize
Reading at Bromley Beacon Academy Bromley
Bromley Beacon Academy places great importance on reading since it is a vital skill for all students to learn. We promote independence and encourage all students to read for pleasure, both in school and at home. We recognise that everyone learns at different rates and that reading involves more than just decoding print on a page, it involves listening, questioning and understanding. Reading:
- Exercises & develops the brain
- Improves concentration
- Improves vocabulary & develops imagination
- Develops self-esteem & confidence
- Relaxes the body and calms the mind
When students join the school they are assessed for reading accuracy and reading comprehension. Assessment data is used to inform further assessments, teaching, planning and intervention as needed. They are also assessed for Visual Stress, to see if they would benefit from using a coloured overlay to improve their speed, accuracy or comfort when reading.
The school has a well stocked library with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, and reading resources to suit all abilities and interests. We are happy to purchase particular books for individual students upon request.
Students are able to take books & magazines home through our ‘Book Share Scheme’, and we recommend that students read for 20 minutes per day at home when possible. Support is available for parents & carers in supporting their reading at home. Parents/carers must sign up to this scheme; details are available from Mrs Gray in the Library.
Reading for pleasure is the main message behind our reading here at Bromley and the introduction of our ‘Reading Avenues’ and incentives, such as ‘Hooked on Reading’, are popular with our students.
Reading Avenues
It is important that students understand that all reading is worthwhile and can help them on their journey to becoming successful in the future. To encourage reading for pleasure we have set up ‘Reading Avenues’ to enable even the most reluctant readers to follow an avenue that suits them and they are confident in; they are free to change avenues as they wish. The avenues are:
- Reading fiction or non-fiction books, graphic novels, poetry
- Reading magazines of their choice, newspapers, film, game & music reviews
- Reading online resources & listening to audio books
Reading currently takes place during tutor group sessions throughout the week. Students needing more support with reading, on a 1:1 or small group basis, have timetabled access to reading intervention during these sessions with Reading Leaders and/or School Staff.
Hooked on Reading
Students receive a raffle ticket every time they are seen reading around the school; in classes, tutor times, golden time even offsite activities, trips and the book share scheme. All tickets are entered into a weekly draw for a £5.00 voucher; all winners are then entered into an end of term draw for a mystery prize.
All reading makes a difference, but evidence suggests that reading for pleasure makes the most (Clark, C and De Zoysa, S. (2011)
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