Hayes Page Updated 1

 Please click below to read further about our yr 11 GCSE achievements during this unprecedented time.

As predicted throughout the year, year 11 students at BTAH & B achieved their best ever GCSE outcomes. The average number of qualifications achieved was 8.5 compared with 6.45 last year.

In total, students achieved 139 level 2 qualifications across all subjects.

The national average 5 X 4-9 passes for students educated in AP is 2%, therefore we achieved over 60% above national average across both sites at 63%. 

Best performing subjects were Art & Textiles, Food Technology and English, with most improved subjects Science and D&T.

Best performing students at BTAH, with Eng/Maths were: Liam Spicer(10) Patrick Leonnard (9) Shakai Wilson (9) David Tshiunza (9) Ruth Nyame (8) A further two students achieved 7 qualifications with Eng/Maths.

Level 2 passes achieved in FS Eng/Maths were predominantly ‘real’ passes rather than CAGs (Centre Assessment Grades), having been ‘banked’ prior to lockdown. 

A very well done to our year 11 students! 



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